Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Minister of Misinformation on The "Walk of Justice"

Our dear Datuk Zam (our esteemed Information Minister) has voiced out on the "Walk of Justice", held by the Malaysian Bar Council, involving lots of people walking (most of them lawyers) for a certain cause, that clearly seems to have annoyed him.

Now, I usually wait in nervous anticipation at what our dear Zam says, since he suffers from a particularly nasty case of chronic foot in mouth disease. Here are his own words:

“It’s about time the Government find out if the lawyers were allowing themselves to be used.

“It’s clear they were being directed by a certain individual or political party out to discredit the Barisan government,” Zainuddin told reporters after presenting Ramadan aid to pensioners at the Kuala Muda district welfare department.


Apparently, lawyers are dumb enough to allow themselves to be used (says the all knowing and infinitely wiser Zam) by a certain political party out to discredit the government.

Woe be the Malaysian legal system then. But in the end, one wonders who is being used by which political party: our dear Zam or our dear lawyers.

That, my friends, is for you to find out.

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